Uluslararası Ravza Derneği



1-This contract has been signed between the following parties within the framework of the terms and conditions stated below.

2-All recipients who donate to the Association will be referred to as "Donors" in the contract from now on.

3-The association accepting the donation will be referred to as RAVZA in the contract from now on.


This Agreement is based on the provisions of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Distance Contracts regarding the sale and delivery of the product, the characteristics and sales price of which are stated below, in which the Donor gives the donation amount that he/she considers appropriate to donate electronically on the website of the Association, www.ravza.org.tr. regulates the rights and obligations of the parties accordingly. Prices announced on the site are sales prices. Advertised prices and promises are valid until updated and changed. Prices announced for a period of time are valid until the end of the specified period.



Address: Mevlana, 16-17. Shock. No:2, 58040 Sivas Center/Sivas

Tel:0534 581 11 58 / 0542 571 25 71

Email: info@ravza. org.tr



Surname :



Gender :

Phone :


D- SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1. Accepting donations made from the website to be used in charitable works and arranging the details regarding this issue,

2. The donor will be able to make donations in any amount by using the virtual pos service provided by the bank on the website www.ravza.org.tr.


1. The donor accepts, declares and undertakes that he has obtained the correct information about the use of the donation subject to the contract on the website of RAVZA.

2. The donor accepts, declares and undertakes in advance that if he/she approves the donation subject to the contract by accepting this contract, he/she will be under the obligation to pay the relevant donation price and that he/she has been informed about this issue.

3. The ASSOCIATION accepts to return the donation subject to the contract, provided that the donor notifies it in writing within 7 (seven) days from the date the donation is made, provided that the conditions regarding the recovery in Article 295 of the Code of Obligations and other relevant articles are met, when it requests the donation to be returned.

4. ASSOCIATION agrees to fulfill all the requirements of the public legislation of the Republic of Turkey in the matters and processes of fundraising and use, and also accepts, declares and undertakes to comply with all obligations of the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721 and the Law on Foundations No. 5737.

5. The donor accepts and declares that the association can be reached by letter, e-mail, text message and telephone call via the address, e-mail address and telephone number specified by him in the registration form.

6. If the donor is not the holder of the credit card used during the donation, or if a security vulnerability is detected regarding the credit card used, the identity and contact information of the credit card holder, the previous month's statement of the credit card used in the donation or the credit card from the bank of the card holder. must submit the relevant letter.

7. The donor declares and undertakes that the information he gives on the website of the association is truthful, and that he will immediately indemnify all the damages that the association may suffer due to the inaccuracy of this information, upon the first notification of the association, in cash and in full.

8. The donor may not use the website of the association in a way that disrupts public order, violates general morality, disturbs and harass others, for an unlawful purpose, and infringes on the material and moral rights of others. In addition, the Donor cannot take action that prevents or complicates the use of the services by others.


The donor accepts, declares and undertakes that he will pay interest and be liable to the bank within the framework of the credit card agreement between the cardholder and the bank, in case of default regarding the credit card with which he made the donation payment transactions.


SİVAS Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized for disputes arising from this contract.


The donor is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this contract when he/she makes the payment for the donation made through the site.